Tuesday, January 5, 2010

DEX Build-a-Bear/Shriners Hospital event

When the Salt Lake Community College chapter of Delta Epsilon Chi (DEX) gathered to discuss our annual service project, it was obvious this year needed to be special. With the economy in its recent state, everyone is asking for help. We wanted to do something different, something creative. We decided to team up with Build-a-Bear and Shriners Hospital for Children to do something for some of the less fortunate children in Salt Lake City. Shriners Hospital is such an amazing part of our community. December 5th at 5:30 p.m. we gathered at Fashion Place Mall to make bears together. The goal was to build stuffed animals for 75 children at Shriners Hospital. We killed that and made 174.
Matt, Barbie, and me

Tommie, Ryan, and me Shriners and DEX

Jason's Nieces
So often we donate our time and money, but do not get to see the end result. Having some of the kids from Shriners there that night and then delivering the bears to the hospital ourselves was amazing!
One of the Shriner's kids holding her snowmanShriners kids showing off their poniesDelivering Bears to the Hospital


Moon & Little said...

way cool. Good job. (I hope u don't mind that I read this)..
Our niece is at Primary Childrens right now because they think she has leukemia... She is have bone marrow taken today! She is only 4 years old! so sad.
but she loves fluffy bears and we sent her some today.
I am Lauren's friend Jeanie, I met you at Disneyland :)

I have a blog, if you care to follow,


ThatKateGirl said...

I'm glad you did read this. We were pretty excited about the success of the event. It was nice to meet you at D-Land too!

Tairah said...

I think that is so great. I feel for those little kids going through something they shouldn't have to. You look so beautiful in the pictures with your arms full of fluffy bears.